

Japanese designer, Mitsuhiro Matsuda, was a revolutionary and an integral part of a cohort named the “Tokyo Six” including Junko Koshino, Yukiko Hanai, Isao Kaneko, Takeo Kikuchi and Kansai Yamamoto and he helped create the first Tokyo fashion week in 1974. Matsuda’s style references historical fashion from Asia and melds it with a sense of romance and sophistication. He started his own label in 1971 after travelling to Paris to work as a freelancer and build on the skills he learned at the Bunko College of Fashion in Japan. The company was called Nicole and featured Matsuda’s version of all-American sportswear. Tailored jackets and trousers were reminiscent of Ralph Lauren but with a non-traditional edge. Matsuda drew inspiration from English fashion of the Edwardian era in the 1980’s and later moved on to Moroccan inspired prints and fabrics. His collections were varied in their background and allowed Matsuda to create more lines from Madame Nicole, to Nicole Sport, to Boutique Nicole and others.

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